Dealing with Public Authorities

Throughout my professional life, I have assisted clients in dealing with, and resolving issues with a wide range of public authorities.

These range from disputes with Councils concerning utilities and by-law enforcement through to successful judicial review of Ministers and government departments.


I have experience, and am available for instructions in the following areas:

  • Rating valuations and rating disputes.
  • Contributions and other concessions.
  • Building Act issues.
  • Advice on internal management and conflict issues arising from resource management consent.
  • Public Works Act compensation.
  • Occupational licensing and discipline by statutory agencies or professional bodies including NZ Transport Agency, including real estate, valuers, lawyers, doctors, and liquor licences.
  • Disputes with Customs, Conservation (concessions, marginal strips, etc.), Internal Affairs (Casinos, gaming), Inland Revenue Department (investigations and disputes), Land Information New Zealand (Crown property, survey issues), and other government departments and agencies.
  • Ministerial and Ombudsman inquiries.
  • Official information (Official Information Act, Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act)